注: libcurl 入门指南( the tutorial ): http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-tutorial.html 0 为使用的 curl url 添加确定的协议头 原文: If you specify URL without protocol:// prefix, curl will attempt to guess what protocol you might want. It will then default to HTTP but try other protocols based on often-used host name prefixes. For example, for host names starting with “ftp.” curl will assume you want to speak FTP. 1 把 curl_easy_perform() 回调数据直接写到文件中(FILE *) 原文: libcurl offers its own default internal callback that will take care of the data if you don’t set the callback with CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION. It will then simply output the received data to stdout. You can have the default callback write the data to a different file handle by passing……
